Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Blogs feed my teaching soul, but Twitter helps me feel less alone

As I've been working on my National Board certification, I have come to appreciate something that the #MTBoS gives to me every single hour of every single day.

My tweeps' teaching blogs feed my teaching soul. Seriously, any time I feel stuck, I can just fire off a search in the MTBoS search engine and BOOM, I get drenched in a downpour of borrowed genius.

But in the moment, when I am freaking out or feeling lost, Twitter makes me feel ever so much less alone.

So thank you, my tweeps, and keep going. I am thankful for you Every. Single. Day.


  1. Oh Man, Elizabeth, you nailed it! So.Thankful.Everyday. Good luck with Cert. and thank you for all the important thoughts you bring our way.

  2. Hope to meet you at Asilomar! Always appreciate your thoughts even if I don't interact with you much

  3. I personally like your post; you have shared good insights and experiences. Keep it up.

